Advertise With Twitter

In Services by Stephen Hymers

What is Twitter all about?

  • News and entertainment source for over 19M uk users

    Share in the conversation from small day-to-day moments to massive cultural cornerstones, Twitter is where the social news buzz happens for millions.

  • leaned-in early adopters

    53% of Twitter users are likely to be the first to buy new products vs the overall internet population, and 90% of users on Twitter will read the copy of any given Tweets they scroll past – making this the premier platform to reach an information-seeking audience.

  • Twitter users are looking to engage

    People use Twitter as a source of news, and so 79% of people on Twitter follow brands. Brands are seen as part of the experience, and users want to engage with the brands that shape their lives and share their beliefs.

The Key Features

  • Through Agenda Media, access formats and optimisation features unavailable through Twitter directly and get early access to new updates.

  • Engaging formats such as in-feed polls and conversation cards (of which equivalents cannot be found on other platforms) can snowball your organic share of voice as viewers actively retweet these out to their own followers to join the conversation.

  • Accurately target your ideal audience through follower lookalikes by compiling a list of handles and topics they’re likely to follow.

  • Advertise for any part of the funnel: From reach & video campaigns to web traffic & conversions using the new Twitter Pixel.

Want to find out more?

Get in touch today to find out what we can do for you.

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